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What’s your JoyQ? .. take the test.

Hello beautiful friends,

Today's blog is all about joy (not surprisingly!).

Recently I've been asked several times what is 'JoyQ' about and what does the ‘Q’ stand for anyway?

So today I'm going to answer these questions and let you take the JoyQ test.

The ‘Q’ of JoyQ comes from the expression “IQ”, meaning Intelligence Quotient or similarly ‘EQ’, which stands for Emotional Intelligence Quotient. So by calling my workshop and mentoring sessions ‘JoyQ’, what I’m inferring is that…

Through my services I help you:

enhance your JOY intelligence i.e. your propensity to think JOYful thoughts,

feel JOYful from the inside out and

find JOY in your life every day…

naturally and spontaneously.

And I’ll let these comments from some of the participants speak to you about what JoyQ is and the workshop. There's lots more information too in the blogs, "Are you the ideal client for the JoyQ Way?" and "What is the JoyQ Way?"

“Karakrista created a nice, soft and gentle space for The JoyQ Way and I found her a very warm and informative teacher. What I got out of it most is that I feel I have more understanding of my mind/body connection and recognize that whatever I feel is a valid part of my energy. Thus I’m now able to acknowledge and honour how I feel more often. There is a lot of value for me in your workshop [Karakrista] and the next day I felt great, very energized and alive!” Kaye Morris

“I really enjoyed the workshop. I liked the process of taking the intellectual process into the body and whilst I feel more peaceful and centered now, I’ve realized that I need to learn to ‘do’ anger more effectively! Kara was a passionate and wonderful teacher and I’d highly recommend the workshop to others who’d like to learn more about their emotions and meditation.” Adhi Bail

“I loved the workshop, learnt a lot and felt very calm and happy afterwards. Karakrista did a great job facilitating. She’s extremely knowledgeable and intelligent and her communication was very clear. I think I was relaxing more than meditating though, so I know I need to practice the JoyQ Way a lot more. I’d like to come along again.” Amanda Petit.

“Emerging from the workshop, I feel more full and connected with the realisation that my emotions are energetic signposts that guide the way to deeper learning. My most profound insight was that emotions are energy in motion and I’m reminded that meditation strengthens the awareness of these energetic pathways so I’ll add The JoyQ Way practice to my meditation techniques. Kara spoke so well that time just flew by and it [the workshop] could have been longer.” Viv Barry

So are you ready for the test?

How do we measure joy? How do we know if who we are and what we’re doing in life is heading us in the direction of more joy?

Well over several years of studying joy, I've put together a list of what I believe to be the key indicators to having a high 'JoyQ'. You could sit down with your partner or a friend and do this together, with each of you helping the other to decide just how you relate to each statement.

How many of these qualities can you tick? How many can you really say yes to?


The Characteristics of a Person with a High 'JoyQ':

1. Regular intense and uplifting feelings of happiness

2. Frequent smiling and spontaneous laughter

3. A warm, loving and affectionate disposition

4. The ability to derive great pleasure from many aspects of life with ease

5. An abiding belief that life is inherently good

6. A natural tendency to see and look for the good in life

7. Lots of appreciation and gratitude for life

8. A sense of optimism and faith in life

9. Understanding that all of life’s events unfold perfectly at the perfect time

10. An increasing tendency to let things unfold rather than make them happen

11. The easy ability to laugh at yourself

12. An equal ability to be content alone as well as enjoying rich and intimate relationships with others

13. Demonstration of a high level of self-love, self-respect and self-care

14. Deep and tangible compassion for your own and other’s ‘mistakes’ and vulnerability

15. The ability to express your emotions comfortably as well as be comfortable in the company of another who is expressing emotion

16. The openness, willingness and courage to look at, meet and engage with your ‘edges’ i.e. the parts of you and the places where you are uncomfortable and unfamiliar

17. The ability to negotiate your way through lifes’ challenges and ‘uncomfortable’ emotions with calm and ease

18.The courage to admit when you are wrong

19. Practicing self-referral, i.e. thinking, acting and living from your own self-discovered truths.

20. A feeling of deep connection with all peoples of the world as well as with animals, plants and nature.

21. A sense of purpose, fulfilment and meaning in life

22. A willingness and a desire for your work and your life to bring benefit to others

23. A strong commitment to your health and wellbeing through healthy food choices and regular exercise

24. Loss of interest in judging others and self.

25. Loss on interest in interpreting the behaviour of others.

26. Loss of interest in being right, rather, being open to all points of view.

27. Loss of fear, depression, helplessness, guilt, anxiety, grief and anger.

What points triggered a response in you and got you thinking?

These are illustrious qualities to aspire to and I’m sure we’re all on our way to ‘becoming’…

We are all evolving, all a ‘work in progress’. Every day that we’re living with awareness, we’re changing. So always be kind to yourself. If you have the desire to change or refine some aspect of yourself remain aware, persevere and be patient. With self-awareness and a clear intention… it will happen… look for the subtle changes… they’re arising all the time.

Why not print off this list and put it on the fridge to serve as inspiration for you to be your best and most JOYful self.

Growing my JoyQ ,

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